Support staff are typically the first to arrive at school as they unlock doors and turn on lights. They are some of the first people to greet students when they arrive at school in the morning, who give students the academic support they need to become successful scholars, who carefully assist with their health, safety, and nutritional needs, and are the last people who see students safely home at the end of the day. The value of their work is priceless.

So it’s time we start treating them that way!

RESPECT | Raising Education Support Professionals by Elevating Careers Together is a statewide effort by ESPs, with the support of IEA staff, to improve working conditions by focusing on four areas:

Wages – A minimum salary, fair substitute teaching compensation and unemployment insurance

Health insurance – Affordable health insurance for the currently employed and the retired

Pensions – Making the Tier 2 pension system equitable for all education employees

Retention, recruitment and job duties – Tuition reimbursement, Grow Your Own Teacher from ESP to certified, paid family leave, licensing fees relief, quality job-related professional development, “hold harmless” language for assigned duties, appropriate access to IEPs and suitable job duties for ESPs.

What Makes Our Schools Work?

Resolution of Support – Help Us Build Power!

1. Print out the Resolution of Support

2. Have your local association, school board or IEA Region Council sign on to this resolution.

3. Take a photo of the signed resolution.

4. Take a photo of your group signing it, or holding up the signed document.

5. Click the button below to submit your resolution and photos and we will add it to our state map.

Please Join Us!

Educate: RESPECT is looking for gatherings of support staff to talk to about the campaign. The more who know about it, the more who join, the louder our voice and the greater effect we can have.

Organize: Tell your co-workers about RESPECT. Get involved. Sign up to join the RESPECT movement that can change the lives and the careers of those who do some of the hardest and most vital work in our districts, colleges and universities.

Take Action! Help us as we pass laws, change rules and make a difference! Help us help support staff you know to educate, organize and take action for RESPECT. Follow these instructions to file a witness slip on RESPECT campaign-related bills to help legislators understand the importance of our work and what we’re asking for.

Visit the ESP Council Website: The ESP council’s goal is to represent and support ESPs throughout Illinois.

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Talking Points
Undo Tier 2 ESP Side-by-Side
RESPECT Poster (11×17)
RESPECT Flier (Spanish)
Talking Points - Spanish
Legislation - Spanish
Goals - Spanish
Undo Tier 2 ESP Side-by-Side - Spanish
RESPECT Poster - Spanish
Felicia Solomon
Gina Lozano
Johnny Ramos
Felicia Solomon - Spanish
Gina Lozano - Spanish
Johnny Ramos - Spanish
ESP Council Trifold - Spanish

Yard Signs & Posters

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