Educators Rising Illinois

Join Educators Rising as a Teacher Leader, Administrator, High School Student, or Middle School Student.

Do you want to diversify and develop the educator pipeline in Illinois? If so, then join Educators Rising Illinois to elevate the education profession! By participating in Educators Rising Illinois, a school district is committing to excite future educators about joining the education profession through experiences, opportunities, support, and more!

Educators Rising is the ONLY Career & Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for ALL future educators. Future Teachers of America (FTA) turned into Future Educators Association (FEA). Then FEA transitioned into Educators Rising in 2015.

Does your district have a future educator club that isn’t Educators Rising? If they do, then they are missing out on JOINING THE MOVEMENT as well as accessing the planning resources, engaging activities, and so much more that EdRising provides.

Start a middle school or high school chapter today!

Educators Rising Curriculum
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Meet the State Coordinators

Lindsey Jensen

Educators Rising IL State Coordinator

Dr. Lindsey Jensen is the 2018 Illinois Teacher of the Year, the 2020 NEA Foundation for Teaching Excellence Illinois Awardee, and Vice-President of the Illinois State Teachers of the Year. Her work has been featured in IL-ASCD, Teach Plus, NEA Today, Education Post, and Flip the System US: How Teachers Can Transform Education and Save Democracy. Her career in education spans 19 years, and she currently serves as the state coordinator for Educators Rising Illinois & the Early Career Development and Aspiring Ed Director for the Illinois Education Association.

Christine Schweitzer

Educators Rising IL State Coordinator

Christine Schweitzer has dedicated her career to education in Illinois. In her 22 years in education, she has served students as a teacher in early childhood, elementary, and higher education in addition to spending several terms as a school board president. While currently supporting Career and Technical Education as a state coordinator for Educators Rising Illinois, Christine provides statewide programming, support and professional development for teachers and students, and event planning in her effort elevate the profession and build the educator pipeline in Illinois.

Contact Us


Lindsey Jensen
Educators Rising IL State Coordinator

Christine Schweitzer
Educators Rising IL State Coordinator

Contact Illinois Educators Rising

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