Aspiring Educators

Vote Now In the spring statewide elections

Vote now in spring statewide elections for NEA RA State Delegate and other statewide positions.
Closes April 24, 2024 @ 4pm

About Aspiring Educators

IEA Aspiring Educators is a preprofessional organization of undergraduate and graduate students preparing for careers in education.

Campus Membership

Be a part of the growing and developing groups of preprofessionals on college and university campuses – join the IEA Aspiring Educators Program on your campus.

Chapter Resources

Find information here from IEA, NEA and your Executive Team for chapter advisors and members. Items include the newsletter, upcoming events and chapter toolkits.

Aspiring Educators Executive Team

The IEA Aspiring Educators Executive Team are ready to answer your questions or give you assistance. These positions are elected each year at the spring IEA Aspiring Educator conference.

Aspiring Educators Rebate Application

Rebate of $20 for each year you held an Aspiring Educators membership up to four years will be issued provided the requirements are met.

Contact Us

Lindsey Jensen, Ed.D.
Early Career Development and Aspiring Educators Director

Contact the Aspiring Educators Program

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