
IEA Spring Statewide Elections

Nominations for 2025 NEA RA state, retired, and aspiring educator delegate elections and elections for statewide positions

Closes February 12, 2025 @ 4pm


Elections Training

It is the responsibility of this Committee to help each local and/or region with any questions you may have regarding election procedures. We ask, therefore, that you please take advantage of this service being offered by your peers and your “IEA Family”. You can make the training part of a regional council meeting or other regional event. Please contact Kim Trader at 217-321-2250 with questions or to schedule a training.

Elections Training Presentation

Everything you need to know about the IEA election process.


Elections Handbook 2024-2025

The purpose of this handbook is to assist in the proper and smooth operation of the IEA-NEA elections as required by the Landrum-Griffin Act.

Local Electronic Voting Checklist

The five step local election voting checklist.

Elections Guidelines and Procedures

The IEA Elections Committee members would like to do their part to make your job easier. Through their efforts, measures have been taken to develop for each local and region, Election Guidelines and Procedures to help answer any questions that your organization may have regarding elections.

Election Process FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the IEA election process

Election Pitfalls

Nominating, election and tally procedures  also ballot information and storage.

Staff Involvement In Governance Elections

Help should be limited to technical and/or mechanical assistance in carrying out election procedures.

Election Process Summary

Guide for region elections conducted by locals

Electronic Voting Vendor Comparison

This information is intended for comparison use. It is not all-inclusive and other vendors may also meet the necessary requirements as listed in the IEA Elections Handbook. Contact individual vendors for more details. 

Election Challenge Form

Use this form to file an election challenge with the IEA.  Complete the form, print, sign and return according to instructions on form.

Mail Ballot Guidance

Guidance for mail ballot elections.