Tron Young, a middle school teacher in Centralia, explains why he became a teacher and shares his innovative teaching practices that have helped his students improve their test scores by 40 percent.
Alton janitor Gary Williams has been with the district for 41 years and started a lunchtime employment program where he pays kids out of his own pocket to pay students to help him. In January, due to changes in Social Security that cut his pay, Williams had to quit paying…
For five generations, there have been teachers in this family. Is it genetic? Something they’re born with, or due to the environment they’ve grown up in? Even they’re not 100 percent sure, but they do know one thing: It definitely runs in the family.
On his 12th day as a teacher, Derrick Schonauer faced what could easily have become a tragic situation when a student brandished a loaded pistol in his classroom. This video tells the story of what happened on Sept. 7, 2012, at Normal (IL) Community High School. Derrick Schonauer received a…