Glen Ellyn Teachers Recommend Candidates for District 41 School Board Elections

GLEN ELLYN – The Glen Ellyn Education Association (GEEA) announced its support for four candidates in the April 6 election. The GEEA recommends Robert Bruno, Jason Loebach, Chris Martelli and Tayyaba Syed for District 41 School Board. The following statement is attributable to co-Presidents Tracy Guerrieri and Dina Sbarra:

“We believe Robert Bruno, Jason Loebach, Chris Martelli and Tayyaba Syed are the best candidates to serve our students, our schools and our community. That’s why we are recommending them to serve of the District 41 School Board. Each candidate brings expertise in education, fosters inclusivity and learning for all, and demonstrates a high level of dedication to our community, its members, and most of all: our students.

After a lifetime in education and serving as the current board president, Bruno can continue to use his educational expertise to guide the development of all our students.

Loebach has been an advocate in the district for creating an inclusive, welcoming and encouraging learning environment for all students.

Martelli is a parent in the district and public educator for 24 years. His expertise in analyzing data will be an asset to our Glen Ellyn community and benefit all of our students.

Syed is a District 41 parent, freelance journalist and award-winning children’s author. As a volunteer in the district. She fosters a love of reading and writing in our students.”

The GEEA represents 287 certified staff in School District 41.


The 135,000 member Illinois Education Association (IEA-NEA) is the state’s largest education employee’s organization. IEA represents preK-12 teachers outside of the city of Chicago and education support staff, higher education faculty, retired education employees and students preparing to become teachers, statewide.

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Bridget Shanahan
Media Relations Director