Evanston teachers and support staff recommend candidates for District 65 school board election

EVANSTON– Five District 65 unions are jointly recommending four candidates for the April 6 election. The District 65 unions recommend incumbents Elisabeth Lindsey-Ryan, Joseph Halipern and Soo La Kim, and candidate Wang Su for the April 6 election.

The following statement is attributable to District Educators’ Council President Meg Krulee, District 65 Educational Secretarial and Clerical Association President Dana Smalley, Evanston Association of Child Care Professionals President Natalie Copper, Evanston Custodial Maintenance Association President Omar Whyte and Evanston Teacher Assistants Association President Dawn Jackson:

“After thoughtful consideration, we believe Elisabeth Lindsey-Ryan. Joseph Halipern, Soo La Kim and Donna Wang Su are the best candidates to advocate for our students, schools and community. That’s why we are recommending them for the District 65 School Board. Our local associations strongly believe in equity and diversity for all. We believe in partnering with the board and school leadership. We look forward to, and strongly encourage, open communication and transparency in order to reach the optimum for all stakeholders; most importantly, our students.”

Representatives from each association, along with each local president, were present for a virtual candidate forum on Wed., Feb. 24, after which the joint recommendations were made. All board candidates were invited to attend the virtual forum.


The 135,000 member Illinois Education Association (IEA-NEA) is the state’s largest education employee’s organization. IEA represents preK-12 teachers outside of the city of Chicago and education support staff, higher education faculty, retired education employees and students preparing to become teachers, statewide.

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Bridget Shanahan
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