CALL TO ACTION: Help repeal the 3 percent

We need your help to repeal the 3 percent cap on pensionable earnings for TRS and SURS. As you know, the IEA and members like you have been working on this issue for several months and we’ve made a lot of positive progress.

However, we’ve hit a roadblock. The bill to #repealthe3 has still not been called for a vote. That’s why we need your help now! Please call your lawmaker. Tell them to strongly encourage House leadership to call the bill before lawmakers leave for break on Friday.


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You can also sign our petition to help #repealthe3. Thank you to those who’ve already signed. So far, we have nearly 50,000 signatures!

We cannot delay any longer – our future depends on it! If we don’t protect our profession, our students will suffer and ultimately public education in this state will lose. We are the largest education organization in the state and when we stand together our voice cannot be ignored. We are always STRONGER when we are UNITED.

Media Contact

Bridget Shanahan
Media Relations Director