Educators Rising Illinois Annual Conference
This conference is geared towards high school and middle school students who are interested in joining the educator workforce. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to support and empower the next generation of our profession!
IEA Representative Assembly
The Illinois Education Association Representative Assembly (IEA RA) convenes every spring. The debates and decisions made by the assembled delegates set the direction of IEA for the coming year.
Aspiring Educators Conference
Join us to collaborate and network with other Aspiring Educators, as well as learn more about union activism and engagement.
Early Career Spring Retreat
This event is specifically designed for members in their 1-10 years of teaching and is hosted and planned by the IEA Early Career Committee members from across the state.
HCR Activist Weekend
Join us April 25-26, 2025 at the IEA Professional Development Center in Springfield, IL.
NEA Representative Assembly
Each summer, approximately 6,000 educators meet to debate the vital issues that impact American public education and set National Education Association policy and activities for the year ahead.
Summer Leadership Academy
Join us at Illinois State University in Normal, IL. for training on leadership skills that make a difference for our students, our locals, our schools and our communities.
One Conference
The One Conference is an opportunity for IEA Education Support Professionals, Higher Education, and IEA Retired Members to develop professional skills, earn professional development credit, and network with colleagues from around the state.
Ethnic Minority Emerging Leadership Training
The training is open to all IEA members and NEA members in other state affiliates. EMELT is designed to provide training for ethnic minorities emerging leaders with a series of sessions including developing leadership skills, helping to navigate the business events and the association, and providing tools to help attendees begin their leadership journey.