
IEA Legislative Update for May 10, 2019

This week, we finally got some good news about pensions. It appears we are not going to be facing a pension holiday proposal at the end of the spring legislative session.

IEA Legislative Update for May 3, 2019

The Fair Tax amendment SJRCA 1 moved from the Senate to the House with a full head of steam and a few pieces of baggage. If approved by the voters in November 2020, the amendment will enable the State of Illinois to have a graduated income tax. Several other proposals,…

IEA Legislative Update for April 12, 2019

This deadline week was everything we expected. We almost moved all of our priority bills out of the House and Senate. One proposal that failed to meet the deadline was HB 350. We continue to encourage members to contact their legislators and enlighten them about the impact that the 3…

CALL TO ACTION: Help repeal the 3 percent

The bill to #repealthe3 has still not been called for a vote. That’s why we need your help now! Please call your lawmaker 1-888-412-6570. Tell them to strongly encourage House leadership to call the bill before lawmakers leave for break on Friday.

Message from IEA President Kathi Griffin

IEA Pres. Kathi Griffin discusses Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s recent budget address, his proposal for additional education funding and the IEA’s number one priority to save the education profession by repealing the 3 percent salary cap.
Press Release

Statement on Gov. Pritzker’s proposed budget

SPRINGFIELD – The following statement is attributable to Illinois Education Association President Kathi Griffin. “Today marks a new day and a new focus for education in Illinois. It’s refreshing to have a governor not only focused on what is best for students and Illinois’ future, but who is willing to…

IEA: Janus decision could have dramatic impact on public education

SPRINGFIELD – The U.S. Supreme Court today issued a 5-4 decision in the Janus v. AFSCME case that was bankrolled by corporate interest groups that wanted to rig the economic system further in their favor and make it even harder for working people to stand united.

Teachers warn Janus v. AFSCME could have a direct impact on public education

CHICAGO – Today the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in the Janus v. AFSCME case. The lawsuit aims to take away fair share fees for all public unions, including education employee unions like the IEA, which means it will likely have a dramatic impact on public education.

Janus case is a swipe at the middle class

Statement from IEA President Kathi Griffin The Supreme Court case Janus v. AFSCME, which originated in Illinois, is an attempt to take away the freedom of working people to join together to speak up for themselves in their workplace and, in our case, to speak up for their students. From…

Resources for educators regarding DACA and DACA decision

President Donald Trump said Sept. 5 that he is ending DACA, a program that allowed about 800,000 people who entered the United States illegally as children the ability to register and work here. DACA is the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals law. Trump is giving the program six months to expire and called…
Illinois Senator Dick Durbin

Durbin: Help students avoid disaster at hands of for-profit colleges

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin is reaching out to teachers statewide, urging them to help their students avoid financial problems caused by for-profit colleges/career centers. In his annual letter to Illinois teachers, Sen. Durbin provides information teachers can share with students to help them avoid financial disaster due to student debt…

IEA SCORE grant awarded to Harvard Park Elementary Teacher

Harvard Park Elementary teacher Andrea Shaffer was recently awarded a $1,000 IEA SCORE grant. The grant money will be used to help the Springfield based Family Service Center’s after school program. Watch the video now.  

SCORE grants fund community projects

For the second straight year, IEA has awarded cash grants to early career educators to fund community service projects throughout the state. This video highlights the Schools and Community Outreach by Educators (SCORE) grant program. The grants have been used for a variety of projects, from creating reading groups and music…


IEA members do it for the students. Students drive us to do our best. We’ve passed meaningful reform and successfully fought off a variety of attacks, including several on our pensions. We are leaders. We are at the forefront and we need to keep up this good work. We are…

VIDEO: Voices of WEAC

In 2011, the lives of Wisconsin teachers changed overnight. Wisconsin is not alone. Attacks on collective bargaining rights have taken place in Indiana and Ohio, too, as have attacks on tenure, retirement and other important issues. In Wisconsin, contracts were replaced with highly restrictive policy handbooks. You can make sure…