Racial and Social Justice

The Campaign Lab

An Initiative of the Campaign to Promote, Protect, and Strengthen Public Education

In 2023, NEA and its allies launched the Promote, Protect, and Strengthen Public Education campaign (the Campaign). Among its initiatives is The Campaign Lab (the Lab), which aims to help local communities and their partners address various issues of equity and racial justice in education through well-planned campaigns. These issues could be related to schools or broader community concerns, such as class size reduction, affordable housing or increasing the minimum wage.  Learn More | FAQ

Loveworks Does Read Across America 2024!

The IEA-NEA LOVEWORKS – Joy and Justice: Abolitionist Teaching in the Classroom has incorporated the goals of Read Across America and wants to provide funds to purchase diverse books for your classroom/school!

Submissions are now closed.  Notice of selection pending.

Equity and Excellence in Education

The world is changing rapidly.  We’re approaching a time when there will be no single racial majority in the United States.  Are we ready?  Can we move beyond our perceived differences that divide us?  Can we tackle a system of patterns, conditions and barriers that hinder opportunity based on geography, group membership or gender?

We can. And we do.  Our commitment to equity and excellence in education requires the centering of cultural competence in all of our endeavors and utilizing a racial and social justice framework to support all students.

Educational professionals, regardless of background or identity, must bring both a cultural understanding and a deep self-awareness to their work.

We offer professional development, resources and support.

Join us. We’re Stronger United.

IEA Racial and Social Justice Workgroup

The goal of the workgroup is to provide support, resources, and training opportunities to further enhance IEA’s mission and commitment to excellence and equity in public education.


  • Ambor Cottrell
  • Rachel Dye
  • Camille Grant
  • Angela Harkless
  • Kelsey Harms
  • Gina Harris
  • Susan Hudson
  • Sherri Jones
  • Al Llorens
  • Unique Mickens
  • Sylvia Rios
  • Holly Survance
  • Dylan Swank
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LOVEWORKS will assist educators by raising their personal awareness, knowledge, and skills to implement educational equity/abolitionist teaching into their classroom. Abolitionist teaching is both external and internal, as it addresses systemic oppression and educational inequities, as well as creates classroom, student-centered environments that promote and sustain individual and collective wellness rooted in joy and belonging.

The potential to positively impact student success is greatest when efforts are centered within not just the academic needs or outcomes but deeply within the imagination and creative genius that lies within each student. Rather than utilizing the white supremacy framework of deficiency, other-focused, and problem-elimination, abolitionist teaching starts with the assumption of human wellness – especially that of our most marginalized students – and bridges joy and learning, love and accountability, and structures that inspire, cultivate, and sustain wellness and hope. From this perspective, abolitionist teaching is a system of sustainable education no longer predicated on harm or profit.

Cultural Competency Contact Form