2014-2015 SCORE Projects

The purpose of the SCORE grants is to encourage early career members and their local associations to collaborate and create opportunities for community service or school projects that are substantive and meaningful.

Below is a list of SCORE grants by category for the 2014-2015 program. You can view the 2013-2014 projects here.


  • Robinson CUSD #2, Robinson CUTEA, Imagination Library provides books to all Crawford County residents under the age of five regardless of socioeconomic status.
  • Glenview CCSD #34, Glenview EA, Henking Bilingual Summer Reading Club will provide three sessions over the summer and six sessions during 2015-2016 school year. At-risk students from grades K-3 attending Henking and Hoffman Schools will be eligible to attend.
  • Park Ridge CCSD #64, Park Ridge EA, Family Nights at Jefferson School will help organize and fund special activities/events for home-school collaboration. There will be 4 nights of collaboration opportunities for Jefferson families.
  • Wheaton CUSD #200, Wheaton-Warrenville EA, Summer Reading Program will provide six-session summer reading program for at-risk students to help them to maintain or increase reading levels over the summer.
  • Frankford SD #157-C, Frankford EA, Reading night will invite parents and community members into the school to learn reading comprehension strategies that they can use at home for their learners.
  • Lexington CUSD #7, Lexington EA, Reading Night will start a book club whose goal is to preserve high school students’ love of reading and promote popular books.
  • Westmont CUSD #201, Westmont TA, Family Reading events will be hosted by the elementary teachers. Three events will be sponsored throughout the school year including one at the local public library.
  • Gallatin CUSD #7, Gallatin Co. EA, AR Books/Celebrity Readers. Elementary students will participate with new resources and interact with community visitors to encourage reading.

Community Partnerships

  • McLean UD #5, Unit #5 EA, Normal Community High School students with Mercy Creek Assisted Living residents will interact to help create blankets to donate to young children at the Baby Fold not for profit organization.
  • Decatur SD #61, Decatur EA, Career Cruising’s goal is to build a culture of college and career readiness by collaborating with local businesses to increase college and career readiness.
  • Prairie Hills Elementary SD #144, Prairie Hills District #144 EA, Jobs Fair for Parents is a job fair serving a low-income based area where parents (usually single parent homes) are struggling to make ends meet. It assists parents in updating resumes and finding gainful employment.
  • Addison SD #4, Addison Teachers Association, Blankets with Elderly will provide monies that will be used to purchase fleece and fabric scissors so that the Builders Club and Arbor Nursing Home Club students can create tie blankets. The blankets will go to the Arbor Nursing Home Club to donate when they visit the elderly.
  • Maywood-Melrose Park-Broadview, Maywood EA, Parent University will increase parent involvement in the school through facilitating opportunities for parents and community members to gather in the school on a monthly basis. Parents and community members will be invited into the school to interact with students and staff at different monthly events.
  • School District #46, Elgin Teachers Association, Library Visits will provide students transported from Lords Park Elementary School to the Gail Borden public library and then back to the school, one hour later, where they will learn about library programs, select books, do online research, get homework help, or read.


  • Massac UD #1, Metropolis Co. E.A., money to start a ukulele program where students learn songs and give concerts and performances in the community.
  • Moline SD #37, E. Moline Educ. Assoc., Rehears-a-thon band contest for middle school students.
  • Rochelle CCSD #231, Rochelle Elem. E.A., money to fund a field trip for students in bilingual and ESL classes in grades 2-3.
  • Community Unit School District #200, Warrenville EA, CLEF (Children Learning English Fluency) Club was created for the purpose of increasing reading fluency of at-risk students through the singing of classic children’s songs. The funds will help fund an expansion to include kindergarten students.
  • Rockford S.D. #205, Rockford EA, Elementary Music Books will host 3 community events this year that support raising cultural awareness, celebrating diversity and encouraging parental involvement of our middle school.
  • Community SD #200, Wheaton-Warrenville EA, this project will assist low-income English Learners to have an opportunity to play the guitar and reach out to the senior citizen community through concerts in local nursing homes.
  • Iuka CCSD #7, Iuka EA, Books will help increase classroom libraries for grades one through four in order to meet the needs of the community since the community does not have a local library and consists of 54% low-income families.
  • Washington Community H.S. Dist. #308, Washington H.S. EA, Arts Council will develop a fine arts journal at the high school called “Bloom”. The goal of Bloom is to raise achievement and interest in art and writing among students.
  • Community Unit SD #16, New Berlin EA, money to start a ukulele program where students learn songs and give concerts and performances in the community.
  • School District #46, Elgin Teachers Assoc., Poetry Slam will assist six high schools in District U-46 to have the opportunity to create their own team for Louder Than A Bomb, the world’s largest poetry festival and competition, which will be held in Chicago at Columbia College this year.
  • Hinsdale Twp. H.S. Dist. #86, Hinsdale H.S. Teachers Assoc., Music will allow low-income students who play the clarinet or saxophone to be able to afford higher-end reeds and finer supplies to help them achieve a beautiful, characteristic tone on their instruments.
  • Fisher CUSD #1, Fisher Education Assoc., Intergenerational Drumming will work together with students and seniors to create music through drumming. World Music Drumming is a communal event that encourages a stronger sense of community, improved focus and listening.

Community Partnership

  • Atwood Heights Dist., #125, Atwood Heights Education Assoc., Teaching English as a second language parents of students and other community members.
  • Oswego CUSD #308, Oswego EA, heart pillows made by 7th & 8th grade students will be donated for heart patients at Rush Copley Hospital in Aurora, IL. Each patient having had heart surgery will receive a student composed letter, typed from the student who made the pillow describing their experience learning to make the pillow for someone in need.
  • Maercker S.D. #6, Maercker EA, Biography Book is a project to help upper elementary students develop interview and real world writing skills. The students will collaborate with the Burger Square Rehabilitation Center where they and residents will participate in several interview sessions. The students will create questions, record their interviews, and mold the answers into a published biography book. They will then share the pubished work with the residents during a celebration.
  • Indian Prairie CUSD #20, Indian Prairie EA, Cowlishaw Cares Service Club for students in fourth and fifth grades that pairs them with a variety of volunteering opportunities.

Mentoring Programs

  • Maywood-Melrose Park-Broadview, Maywood E.A., Mentoring Maywood Youth is a pilot program to screen a collection of DVD documentary films (primarily from the PBS collection) to capture the interest of African-American youth in the study of their history and culture. The intent of the screenings is to create more in depth awareness of African, and African-American history and culture beyond what is typically highlighted during Black History Month.
  • LaGrange S.D. #1, South #105 EA, Pairs 4th-6th grade students with High School Students (sophomore/seniors). The high school students will be transported to Hodgkins School once a week to work with their assigned partner for 1 hour. Each Hodgkins student will have math, reading and/or long-term projects that they need help with from their high school buddy.
  • Schaumburg CCSD #54, Schaumburg EA, Mentoring of junior high students will be an ongoing service throughout the school year. Teaches and other adult role models help build meaningful rapport, and increase students’ social emotional skills.
  • Prairie Hills Elementary S.D. #144, Prairie Hills SD #144 E.A., Mentoring at the junior high level will provide students, both males and females, the opportunity to volunteer at the local senior residence and attend various workshops centering around etiquette, self-esteem, art, etc. all while promoting positive self-esteem and self-awareness.
  • Bloomington S.D. #87, Bloomington E.A., IWU (Illinois Wesleyan University) Lunch Buddy program gives IWU students the opportunity to visit a group of 4th grade students at Sheridan School once a week, eat lunch and play with them together at recess. This assists in fostering a positive relationship between students.


  • McLean County UD #5, Unit #5 E.A., Hydroponic Community Garden will bring fresh herbs, fruit and vegetables to both the students and to community members. They will partner with the families in the school district, and a local nursery, to develop a hydroponic garden system that can be operated and harvested by both parents and students during the school year and summer.
  • LaGrange SD #105, South #105 EA, 5K for St. Jude’s will be the recipient of donations through the school’s Student Council’s third annual 5K race in May 2015. The 5K’s donation cause was voted on by the school’s Student Council members .The goal is to raise money for St. Jude but also to get bodies active and healthy. T-shirts, medals and refreshments for the runners will be purchased.
  • Monticello CUSD #25, Monticello E.A., Organic school garden and outdoor learning lab will provide students with hands no opportunities to grow vegetables and learn about healthy eating while spending time outdoors. The school will partner with community members to grow vegetables and then donate the produce to a local food pantry.
  • Benjamin S.D. #26, Benjamin Teachers Assoc., Ga-Ga Ballpits will expand a new before-school exercise program by adding an exciting new outdoor exercise venue designed to help students get blood pumping, and both the brain and body ready for school day academic success. The ga-ga pits will also be available for gym class, recess and after-hours community use.
  • Urbana SD #116, Urbana EA, Habitat for Humanity Club at Urbana High School will partner with the local Champaign County Habitat for Humanity affiliate, and students who will volunteer monthly at local build sites. Some of the homes being built were/are for students who attend UHS.
  • Brookwood S.D. #167, Brookwood-Glenwood E.A., Frog in in the Bog is a program that includes a two and a half day stay at the Indiana Dunes Learning Center where students will experience science, history, mathematics, and the arts while outdoors. Upper elementary female students will be the participants.
  • LaGrange S.D. #105, LaGrange South #105 E.A., Garden Club for elementary students will participate in a variety of activities throughout the school year.
  • Community H.S. District #218, Community H.S. District #218 Teachers Assoc., 5K hosted by high school students to benefit the community and raise awareness about autism.
  • Lexington CUSD #7, Lexington E.A., Outdoor Classroom for school building that includes K-12 students. This is an interdisciplinary project and space to be used by many. Art, FFA, mechanics, and science classes are all involved in the implementation.


  • LaGrange SD #105, LaGrange South #105 EA, Family Math Kits will help parents check out from the school library to engage with their children in math activities at home. One of the school’s big goals is to increase family involvement in both the school and their children’s education as over 70% of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch. In addition many of the families speak languages other than English and some have little educational experience and/or poor experiences with school.
  • Community Unit S.D. #200, Wheaton-Warrenville EA, Early Childhood Materials will be used to provide materials for a creative curriculum teaching science through hands on manipulation and cooking. This will be part of the Illinois state mandate Jefferson Early Childhood Center is implementing in their Creative Curriculum program.
  • School District #46, Elgin Teachers Association, STEM is an after school club for intermediate students (grades 4-6). This program will introduce the students to the many different areas of STEM and would incorporate professionals in related fields from the community.
  • McLean County Unit District #5, Unit #5 Education Association, Science Nights will be a series of monthly science based family literacy nights for three second grade classes. This will be conducted following a workshop model beginning with a mentor text on the science topic then investigate the topic in a hands-on-way through experiments. Families will receive a science book to take home for their home libraries and a take-home science kit.

Supplies for Special Programs

  • Community High School District #155, District #155 Cary Grove Education Association, Better Buddies Club is a club that provides opportunities for students on the Autism Spectrum to socialize and get involved both inside and outside of the school setting. Students are paired up with student leaders that volunteer to be part of the club.
  • Forest Park School District #91, Forest Park Teachers Association, Field trips for Early Childhood students many of which have severe disabilities.
  • Iuka Community Consolidated School District #7, Iuka Education Association, This project builds community relations between the Iuka Grade School, Iuka Police Department, and the Iuka General Baptist Church by providing school aged children with coats, shoes, hats, and gloves for the cold winter.
  • Dixon Unit School District #170, Dixon Education Association, Summer Learning Kits for early childhood students to practice skills with their families. This is great preparation for kindergarten readiness!
  • McLean County Unit District #5, Unit #5 Education Association, Fitness Night would create a fun filled night encouraging parents of all second grade classes in the school to focus on fitness and health. This type of activity will help focus parents on students’ health. The school will be converted into a “workout company” where students and adults will match their skills on an individual basis to find out who wins.
  • Yorkville District #115, Yorkville EA. The main goal of Operation Safety was to educate high school students and the community about driving the speed limit in a school zone, no cell phone use at all, and overall visual safety. Students made an impact by holding up signs and staff handed out fake tickets to those who weren’t following traffic laws. Personal messages were put on each ticket regarding statistical information to raise awareness.
  • Schiller Park School District #81, Schiller Park Education Association #81, Bilingual/Multicultural Student Advisory Committee hosted community events that the students created, managed and organized. Events will support raising cultural awareness, celebrating diversity and encouraging parental involvement for the middle school.
  • Marshall Community Unit School District 2C, Marshall Education Association, Elementary school will host a Love for Learning Family Night.
  • Harlem Unit District #122, Freeport Education Association, Career Lunches will invite students to have lunch and network with professionals from the community who work in career clusters the students find interesting.
  • Decatur School District #61, Decatur Education Association, Healthy Me Day will happen at the alternative school to promote healthy nutrition, wellness, and exercise.
  • Community Unit School District #20, Wheaton-Warrenville Education Association, Commemorative “Buddy Bench” would be a bench placed on the kindergarten and first grade playground. Teachers help students understand the role of the bench, socializing with others, and helping all students feel included.
  • CREATE, CREATE Education Association, Communication supplies and classroom resources are needed for special education students.
  • Elementary School District #159, Matteson-Richton Park Education Association, Artist visit to promote healthy self-image among middle school students. A mural project will be included in the activities.
  • ECHO Employee Association, Matteson ECHO Employee Association. Sensory Room resources are needed and will be used by more than one hundred students.
  • LaGrange School District #102, LaGrange District #102 Educational Support Personnel, Athletic team for students that may not otherwise have the opportunity to participate.
  • Morton Community Unit School District #709, Morton Education Association, International Club started as a way to bridge the gap between the languages students learn at school with the languages spoken at home.
  • Springfield School District #186, Springfield Education Association, Birthday in a Bag. This project links educators with a local not for profit to appreciate students that may not have experienced a birthday celebration in the past. These all in one kits provide all the family would need to host a party and create lasting positive memories.
  • Community Unit School District #200, Wheaton-Warrenville Education Association, Wheaton Square Homework Club serves kindergarten through 5 grade students who reside in the Wheaton Square apartment complex. Most are Burmese refugees, both current EL students, and those that have exited the schools EL program but still require additional support to achieve academic, social, and emotional success. Volunteers provide individual and small group tutoring twice a week after school.
  • Anne High School District #302, St. Anne High School Education Association, Job Shadows allows students with emotional and learning disabilities to explore their career interests through job shadows, college visits, and guest speakers.
  • Community Unit School District #300, Hampshire Local Education Association, high school students promoting their work program within the community.
  • McLean County Unit District #5, Unit #5 Support Professionals Association, Day Camp will provide a safe and fun interactive learning environment for school children ages 5 through 13 or K through 8th grade on school closing days, holidays and school breaks.
  • Indian Prairie Community Unit School District #5, Indian Prairie Education Association, “I Am” initiative for high school students’ identity development and celebration of diversity.
  • Rockford School District #205, Rockford Education Association, Healthy Foods interdisciplinary project for elementary students. PTO and community members are also involved to model cooking, exercising, and gardening.
  • Westmont Community Unit School District #201, Westmont Teachers’ Association, elementary school homework club provides academic support and adult mentors.
  • McLean County Unit District #5, Unit #5 Education Association, PE Equipment will further educate students in the benefits of lifelong fitness and health. A Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer (BIA) will be purchased which will find and analyze each student’s or class visitor’s body composition.
  • McLean County Unit District #5, Unit #5 Education Association, PE Equipment will further educate students in the benefits of lifelong fitness and health. Heart rate monitors will be worn by students and class visitors during fitness days to monitor their heart rate.