Burlington educators announce recommendations for District 301 school board

Burlington – The Central Education Association (CEA) is recommending Andy Dogan, Scott Mrkvicka, Ryan Wasson and Micheline Welch in the upcoming Central Community Unit School District 301 school board election.

CEA represents more than 325 members, including early childhood through high school teachers and other licensed staff who support the more than 4,800 students attending the district’s seven elementary, middle and high schools.

The following statement is attributable to the CEA President Dave Chapman:

“The CEA believes these candidates will positively impact our students, staff and community by providing a voice for all.  They will strive to improve collaboration, communication and transparency throughout the district.”

The CEA Executive Board completed an extensive vetting process to get to know each candidate, including reviewing questionnaires and conducting interviews. To learn more about CEA’s recommended candidates, you can visit the CEA Facebook page and website. School board elections are April 1.


The 135,000 member Illinois Education Association (IEA-NEA) is the state’s largest union. IEA represents Pre K-12 teachers outside the city of Chicago and education support staff, higher education faculty, retired education employees and students preparing to become teachers, statewide.

Media Contact

Bridget Shanahan
Media Relations Director